You can practise the 10 Swiss rites at home or at work, before breakfast or going to sleep, alone or in a group. The 10 Swiss has an effect in its totality – among other things, on breathing, inner balance, organs, mobility and muscles.
If individual exercises are carried out only briefly – two or three times – they stimulate and build up. If on the other hand they are carried out regularly – seven times or more – they have a meditative and harmonising effect.
If not otherwise stated, the term breathing always means passive breathing. Let your breathing come and go, without forcing it.
Do not over-exert yourself. Go only as far with the exercises as you still feel comfortable with.
In order to experience the beneficial effect of the 10 Swiss rites, it is recommended that the exercises are carried out regularly.



World Sales & Production: dz-productions

Co-production: Balzli & Fahrer GmbH Filmproduktion

World Premiere: Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur

Oficial Webside:

Film: >


Nomination: Werkleitz-Preis, Dokumentar- und Videofestival 02 in Kassel/D

Special Jury Prize: Netzwerk für Gesundheit und Bewegung Schweiz


Direction Daniel Zimmermann Exercises Beatrice Burkart Production management Hannah Külling Graphic Res von Gunten Communication Jon Andrea Florin Photography Markus Frietsch

With the support of: Federal Office of Sports, City of Biel, deux mille et deux émotions, Jungfraubahnen, Zermatt Tourismus, aarboard Nidau, Witschi & Co. Druckerei/Imprimerie Nidau, Stöh Grünig, Werbefotograf Biel, Luder Kunsttoff-Apparatenbau Brügg, CentrePasquArt, Zollinger Tegerfelden.

Art Commission of the Canton of Bern